Thursday 11 August 2011

True Love

With regards to the lies in our world, there is the doubt that true love exists. But does it really exists? YES!!!! it does exists but to see it happening in our relationships YOU need to demonstrate it first. It has never been enough to say 'I LOVE YOU' when you do not know how to love. Yes! most of us do not know what is love and how to love and this is affecting everybody.
Many people disbelieve that there is a true love that exists and they are capable of being loved like that. Due to this, they are not opened for this to be demonstrated to them. Where have these negative attitudes towards emerged from????? They have emerged from broken homes, failed relationships, stories and experiences from others, etc.
The list can go on and on but the underlying factor is that, people who have been unfortunate in situations like these are likely to adopt lifestyles that will affect every aspect of their human interactions. Thousands today, are looking for love in all places e.g. humans, animals, images,toys,etc. but never find it.No wonder gay and lesbianism is on the increase, its all for the search for who has true love. Will it be them or the bisexuals???
LOVE is a sweet instrument that creates a strong bond between those who demonstrate it. All these are happening to our relationships and ourselves because we are not clinged to the giver and No 1 demonstrator of it. He is the best person who understands and knows how to Love better than anyone. Therefore, if we want to be better lovers to our spouses/partners or friends, we need to know Him, understand  and appreciate the love he gives unto us. We will not be able to love exactly as He does or as it is in his family above, but the little we learn, would be enough to correct our relationships and our world.
If you want to Love your wife, boy/girlfriend, family, people or yourself better or learn how to do it, then you need to find this man asap. I have tried it and it is working perfectly for me and I know it will work for you. There's no more respect for LOVE, talking about it seems to create an impossibility for one to practice.But hey! it is very possible. All we need to do is to accept, learn and demonstrate and you'll see the magic and wonders it will perform. Fellas!! our world is sick, infact it is DEAD and it needs a resurrection. Families are falling apart, atrocities and abominable acts are being done in the name of love,  marriages and relationships are in shambles and on the road to destruction. We need to step up and inject the solution asap when we are grounded in the giver and best teacher.
Some people say "its difficult to Love". Of course it seems so because not all appreciate LOVE. If you demonstrate love to someone who does not believe in it, then that person will not appreciate and give back to you as expected. But when this happens, then it makes it difficult, it is for this reason that I am talking about it and hope you also do same. We need to show those who do not know how to love how its done in order to  ease the load off the few who are demonstrating it.
But who am I talking about? hmmm....... well his name is uhaahha!! JESUS CHRIST. He is the founder and giver of Love. Knowing him and critically studying about him and his sacrifice will teach you what LOVE is and how to give it off willingly. Going to church is not enough but having a personal relationship is the key. To be in a relationship with Him is like being married to him where being faithful and exhibiting trust is required. When you can maintain such a relationship with him, then it is a perfect sign that you can relate better with everyone no matter the background. You may not be able to love as he does but your consistency in trying to do that is enough to correct everything that has gone wrong in your relationship.
The kind of love our Lord demonstrates is one known as the Agape Love. This kind of love says " I'll Love you no matter who you are, where you are from, or what you do or have done". If we have this perception of Love for others, then our world will be on a good foundation. Love conquerors all things. The devil is who he is because he doesn't have a pinch of love in his system and will therefore want to destroy everything that can be well sustained or managed with Love. It is for this reason that is why he is against unions especially marriages and everything that will lead to it.
Because I am angry about how the devil is messing up people's lives because they have never experienced True Love, is my reason for writing this. With the hope that you will read and share in the campaign. There's beauty when true love is demonstrated, it produces an overwhelming feeling that boils out from your spirit to fill your eyes with consoling tears when you realize you are being valued inspite of your weakness.
Learn from Jesus and his Love to you as you also demonstrate that kind of love to others.
I Love and Value YOU just as YOU are.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Right Person

When people use this word 'Right Person' what do they mean? Do we are have people who are right? If you answered yes to these questions then why do people still go through serious issues in their relationships?
Most often we tend to think that for a relationship/marriage to be perfect (of which is impossible), then the individuals must be perfect. The truth is, there is no 'RIGHT' person somewhere who will come into your life to make your relationship seem more of the norm.
Human interactions tend to always yield an environment that is not smooth or filled with excitement all the time. So there's always going to be ups and downs. A relationship is made better when conflicts sets in to reveal who we truly are, in order to find  the right means to deal with our weakness. Inasmuch as we want a 'lived happily ever after' kind of relationships, it is important we check ourselves and the people we choose to relate with. To pick someone as a friend or partner, identify their shortcomings and check yourself to see if you can tolerate or live with those shortcomings of that person.
A right person is not the one with the money, looking handsome or beautiful, talented, with the nice car or house, Christian,etc. He/she is the one who is him/herself in all ways, is ready to make up and move on when there's a conflict, loves you unconditionally, ready to put you first, appreciates you, makes you feel yourself, ready to support you and help you develop what you know how to do best, understands you, respects you, identifies his/her weakness and is ready to work at it, etc.
You are the one to tell who is right for you but being right for you does not mean he/she is perfect (without faults). We are not the same and none of us is perfect, the weakness in me is the strength in another but he/she also has his/her weakness.Therefore, moving from one person to the other in search of the 'right' one could be a never finding journey. The next time you go on such a journey find out what is with you that contributes to the unsuccessful story of your love life.
I might not be a Love Doctor or counselor, but I have come to know and understand that issues of love varies according to the personalities involved. There is no formula to make your relationship perfect or your partner be the 'right' person to you, it's a method you guys design for yourself to work for you. People can give their advice, or perception about love issues but the decision is yours.
Ladies there is no 'Mr Right' out there; Guys there's no 'Perfect Lady' for you. To love someone is 'work'. Therefore be ready for the time and energy investment you are about to make for the relationship, love the person for who he/she is not what they have or the kind of person you want him/her to be. Get to know and understand the personality of your friend, partner or spouse and you can better relate to him/her. That is the beauty of LOVE. I wish you success in your relationship. It's time we put sanity into relationships and made them as God intended them to be.

Friday 5 August 2011

Geezygift: The Power of Giving Honor

Geezygift: The Power of Giving Honor: "I went to church one Sunday and I loved the message. It was a message that brought to the realization that we suffer to succeed because w..."

Geezygift: The Power of Giving Honor

Geezygift: The Power of Giving Honor: "I went to church one Sunday and I loved the message. It was a message that brought to the realization that we suffer to succeed because w..."